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THE 2018

Preliminary Schedule of Events
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Friday, Sept. 21 CT DR Youth Conf. Studio 2 Studio 1 Grunebaum Green Room Telemarketing
10:00 11:30 Pia Kontos
“Cracked: New Light on Dementia”: Creating a Better World Through Theatre
Nicole Sumner
Paintscape Soundscape Bodyscape: An Inter-Arts Playshop 
Etsuko Nakagami-Yamaguchi
Let’s Perform Healthcare!: The New Teamwork Training Program Applying Anime and Improv 
Andres Marquez-Lara
Let’s Develop as Entrepreneurs!
Andrew Burton
Breaking the Ice: From
Meaningless Performance to the
Performance of Meaning
Richard Krysztoforski
You Will Fail (and that’s okay)!
Shari Foos
The Narrative Salon: Empathy in a Disconnected World
Ruth Howard
Magic of Miniatures
11:30 11:45                
11:45 1:00                
1:00 2:15                
2:15 3:15 Susan Parenti
Sanjay Kumar
Performing Kashmir: A Political Stasis
and Development Through Theatre
  Ruth Yamamoto
Adaptive Improv for Senior
Matthew Costanzo
Exploring Safety in Gendered Dialogue
Powpee Lee
Tap, Tap, Tap Dance: Stepping on the Alienation in the Lonely City, Tapping to Growth and Community 
Jo Tyler
And then what happened? Story
unmasking to shift psycho-social
Marisa Holzapfel
Generating Ideas for Comics with Specific Humor Used for Chemistry and Health Education
3:15 3:45                
3:45 4:30 Atay Citron
The Development of Creative
Dialogue of Deaf and Hearing
 in Ebisu Theatre
Yuji Moro
Playing with “Let’s Develop!”:
Performing Giving in the Culture
of Neoliberalism
  Mayarí Pérez Arroyo
Play and Theater with Adolescents’ Families: A Transformative Experience in Costa Rica 
Thomas Riccio
Indigenous Performance:
(Re)Devising Place
  Akiko Suzuki
How High School Students Accomplished Their Own Fashion Show: A Report from Japan 
Chris Reyman
Let’s Develop: A Podcast!
4:30 5:00                
5:00 6:00 Rita Ezenwa-Okoro
“One with the Sound”: A Journey of a Thousand Miles 
Katlego Kolanyane-Kesupile
MASKulinity: Actions and Beyond
Sara Ramshaw
Three Experiments in Developing
Unwritten Laws/Norms
Michael Kamen
“They Call Teachers by Their First Names!”: An Ethno-Drama of Pre-Service Teachers Visiting Schools
Don Waisanen
Performing Citizenship through
Applied Improvisation
REHEARSAL Amia Lieblich
Art of Dying Death Café 
6:00 7:30                
7:30 9:00   Hunter “Patch” Adams
All Heads of Lettace
      Bruno Freyssinet
Acts from the Desert
Saturday, Sept. 22 CT DR Youth Conf. Studio 2 Studio 1 Grunebaum Green Room
9:00 10:00 Tamara Estefanya
Jimenez Florez
Magicians Without Borders
Breaking Barriers
Patch Adams
Transformation: War Trauma
to Clown Bliss
Rachael Williamson
Diagnosis: Performing Our Way
Out of the Box
Alexandra Sutherland
Performance, Political Education and Activism: Insights and Provocations from South Africa 
Salvatore Greco
Route60+: Stories That Shaped
a Better Europe
Barbara Ann Michaels
Meet the Heartist Collective:
Art That’s Connective
Lalenja Harrington
Unruly Bodies: Expanding the Creative Mind and Unrestricting the Imagination in Higher Education 
10:30 12:00 Jeff Aron
“Still We Rise”
Fernanda Liberali
Performative Interventions in Schools: Resisting Expanding in Unsettled Times 
Diana Feldman
Show UP!: How ENACT Helps NYC Put-At-Risk Youth Display “Power In Motion” 
Angelo Miramonti
Experiencing Active Listening Through Theatrical Processes
Mary Fridley
Katharine Houpt
The Joy of Dementia (You Gotta Be Kidding!)
Maureen Kelly and Cathy Salit
Michael Chan-Frazier
SOULva Bar: Experiencing the
Shift from Therapist to Light
1:15 2:45 Mayra Stergiou
At the Heart of Things
Gabrielle Kurlander
Creating and Developing in a
Nonsensical World – The
World Doesn’t Make Sense
So Why Should I Paint Pictures
That Do – Pablo Picasso
Jim Martinez
How to Grow Your Community Project Developmentally: A Conversation About the Challenges of Scaling Up! 
Muneebur Rehman
I am Us, Us is Me
LOIS Bruce Levitt
“Human Again”: Searching for Transformation Inside a Maximum Security Prison 
Barbara Tint
Applied Improvisation: Growing
by Leaps, Bounds (and Silly
2:45 3:15              
3:15 4:45 Elena Boukavla
From PPLG to Performing
The World on the Move in
Carolyn Dorfman
PROJECT TIKKUN: Tikkun Olam – “To Repair” the World 
Gwen Lowenheim
Everything is a Remix: How Copying, Imitating, Stealing (and Other “Bad Stuff”) Reinvigorates Collective Creativity for You and Your Community 
Elly Litvak
Beyond “Mental Illness”: Performing Human Development 
Kathleen Potts
Bridging Academic Institutions
and Their Communities through
Performing Arts
Gloria Strickland
A New Alliance for Growth: All Stars Around the World 
Francesco Argenio
Theatre of the Oppressed and Playback Theatre: A Yin-Yang Dialogue
4:45 5:15              
5:15 6:00 Robin Post
“Sorting Through the Rubble”
Omar Ali
Greensboro in Poetry and Play: Where are we From? Where
are we Going?
Alexander Lancaster
Performing New Models of Scholarship at the Ronin Institute 
  Peter Harris
Murderously Funny: How Humor Helps to Cope with Threatening Reality in an Extreme Intergroup Contact Situation
Bashiru Akande Lasisi
Sing Like Your Mama: Stage Performance and Promotion of Indigenous Language in Nigeria 
Natalia Collings
Ways to Perform and Develop
as Learners Without Grades
6:00 6:15              
6:15 7:15 Lynn Fels
Art Activists in Dark Times
Miguel Eduardo Cortes
Performing Communities de
Judy Wong
TELL: Theater for English Language
Dan Friedman
Addition Info to Come
Valentina Caprotti
From Reaction to Awareness: Reshaping our Personal and Collective Body in the Face of Patriarchy
Marilyn Green
Sara Sibony
The City as a Stage: “Balcony Theatre”- A Model of Activist Site-Specific Performance 
Sunday, Sept. 23 CT DR Youth Conf. Studio 2 Studio 1 Grunebaum Green Room Telemarketing
10:00 11:00 Smita Mathur
Play Diplomacy: A
Playful Response to Hate
and Violence
Sushi Bransman
Addition info to come
Sinisa Rudan
CoLaboArthon: A Socio-Technical Ecosystem for Development of Performance Activism 
Deborah Kronenberg
Help Ensemble Engulf Schools
Lisa Kramer
Letting Go of Perfection: The Power of Creating Performance Across Differences 
Jessica Lejowa
Collaborative Storytelling as Activism: Cross-Border Theatre-Making for Young Audiences 
Renee Emunah
2 – Theatre for Change:
Performance to Raise
Consciousness about Diversity
in Higher Education
11:00 11:30                
11:30 1:00 Sandra Paola López Ramírez
transfronteriza: A Community Created Dance by Women from the US/Mexico Border 
Eva Brenner
Performing Politics & New Realism:
Lecture Demonstration
Tamara Nikolic Maksic
Interactive Game “Let’s Develop”
Saliha Bava
Let’s Develop Research
Ursula Carrascal Vizarreta
Fostering Environmental Empathy
Through our Bodies and Voice
Susan Massad
Creating an Ensemble for
Performing Health
Sabine Choucair
Healing through Laughter
Camilla Jensen
LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® For Supporting Life Transitions 
1:00 2:15                
2:15 3:45 Morteza Jafari
“Dreaming of Life”
Marian Rich
Clowning and Caring: Join the Love/Play
Shoshanah Tarkow
From Happenings to Hashtags: The Performance of Community in a Digital World 
Amelia Terrapin
A Day in the Life: Year 2030
Barbara Silverman
Developing Across Borders
Micah White
Performing as Leaders in the Midst of Despair: The Fight for Public Housing in NYC and Around the World
Jamie Gutiérrez Vélez
Social Presencing Theater: From Liminality to Communitas in Our Current World